A) Step by step guidelines for HR to approve profile update request from employees

1) Login to EasyWork website.

2) Menu > Click "Employee Requests"

3) Switch to the tab "Update Profile"  > The default status of the requests is "Pending"

4)  Select the request to approve/reject

5) Enter comment if any > Confirm again


    (a) If request being rejected, no update will be applied to the employee profile.

    (b) If request being approved, the changes will be applied on the employee profile. Employee can now view his profile was updated.

7) Either rejected or approved, employee shall receive a push notification and email that his request status was updated.

B) How HR know that is a update profile request from his/her employees?

  1. On Employee Management page, there is a banner that show the pending requests.
  2. HR shall receives a push notification once the employee submitting the request to update profile.
  3. HR shall receives email once the employee submitting the request to update profile.