When would you require to use it?

The employee may resign/leave the company in the middle of the year and you might need to prepare & render the EA Form for him. In EasyWork, you can do it in their employee profiles.

Step by step to generate EA Forms for individual employee

Below are the steps to generate, release and download the EA Forms. Employees only can view/download their EA Forms once HR has released them.

Step 1: Ensure payroll items are set correctly in EA Forms

Step 2: Access to employee profile

Step 3: Generate EA Form and verify details & amount

Step 4: Release EA Form

Step 5: Employee downloads EA Forms

Step 1: Ensure payroll items are set correctly in EA Forms

Step 2: Access to employee profile

Menu Employee > On Employee Management, click the employee > Enter employee profile, tab Payroll > Tab Forms

Step 3: Generate EA Form and verify details & amount

ii) Select the year of the EA Form

iii) Click Generate EA Forms

iii) EA Form generated and automatically download a copy of form.

iv) Open the EA Form. Verify the employee details, EA fields and their amounts, and statutory contribution paid.

Step 4: Release EA Form

After making sure the EA Form details are correct, you may consider releasing the EA Form to the respective employee.


  1. You must release the EA Forms to complete the process. Otherwise, the employees can't view or download it from their profiles.

i) Click Release EA Forms

ii) Confirm to release of EA Forms.

iii) After release, the finalized EA Form will be returned.

iv)(Optional) You can download the EA Form for future reference or email it to the respective employee.

Step 5: Employee downloads EA Forms

After releasing the EA Forms, the employee may access his EA Forms from his profile.

i) Click on the avatar > Click Profile > Tab "Payroll" > Forms > Select Year

ii) The EA Forms will be shown. You may download it.