1) Go to Settings > Payroll > Switch to the tab "Payroll Items Settings"

2) To add addition items, make sure you are at the tab "ADDITIONS". Otherwise, go to the tab "DEDUCTIONS' for creating deduction items.

3) Fill in the detail of the item: Name, category, included in, statutory, EA Form Field and is monthly recurring.

4) Click the "Add" button to save.

Learn more about Addition items

1) Name: Enter a unique for the item

2) Category: There are a few categories that are

a) Additional Remuneration: An additional income on top of the employee's basic salary.

b) Benefit In Kind (BIK): Items from this category wouldn't appear in the payslip

c) Value Of Living Accommodation (VOLA):  Items from this category wouldn't appear in the payslip 

d) Perquisite

e) Allowance

f) Others / Claim: If none of the 5 categories is suitable for it, you can put it under "Others / Claim"

g) Deduction

3) Included In: Does it included in Gross and Net income? For example, BIK and VOLA items shouldn't be included.

4) Statutory: Subjected to which statutory

5) EA Form Field: Where should the amount show in EA form? 

6) PCB Exempt Limit: Only show if statutory "PCB is selected. Specific the maximum limit that can reach before it will be taxed (0.00 means any amount will be taxed).

7) Monthly Recurring: Is the employee entitled to get the item amount monthly? Once enabled, normal monthly tax computation will be applied. Otherwise, additional tax computation will be applied.