1) As the hiring manager, launch to EasyWork Hub --> Navigating to sidebar menu and search for "Hiring" --> Click "Hiring" and select sub-menu "Candidates". 

2) On the candidate page, search the candidate and click "Process" to proceed. It will lead you to the candidate details page.

3) Click the action button "Request Offer".

4) It leads to a job offer request form. Fill in the details required. The fields highlighted with blue are prefill based on the "Position". You still allowed to edit it if needed. 

Below the "Starting Pay" was the suggested salary budget. It was retrieved from the job.

The approver is the person who approves the request. Normally, he is your company decision-maker like Director or CEO.

5) Click the "Request" Offer" button. A job offer request created successfully. The approver would receive a push notification that he has a job offer request pending approval.


  • As the approver, click the push notification on the "Notifications" list. It redirects to the approval screen. Check the details before approving.

7) If the approver dissatisfied, he can click "Reject" to reject it. Otherwise, he could approve it by clicking the "Approve" button. 

If the job offer request was APPROVED

  • The hiring manager would receive a push notification that informs him the request was fully approved.
  • A new hiring request was sent to the HR/admin.
  • The application status changed to "Pending Offer".
  • HR/admin shall prepare the offer letter either via the EasyWork Hub or app(To prepare from the app, click on the module "Hiring", status "Pending". It will show a list of candidates pending for offer).
  • To learn how to preparing an offer letter, please refer to Guideline to Prepare Offer Letter

If the job offer request was REJECTED, 

  • The hiring manager would receive a push notification that informs him the request has been rejected.
  • The hiring manager still can re-send the job offer request to ask for approval.