Feature introduction on career page:

1) Filter on Career Page

  • Generally, there are 3 filters: Filter by job title, department, and working location.

2) View Job

  • To know more about the details like job description, requirement, skills, and qualification & education required, please don't hesitate to click on the "View Job" link. You can apply for a job too.
  • To learn more about the single job details page, please go to the knowledge base: Viewing and Applying Job on Career Page.

3) Apply Job

  • If you are interested in the job and wish to apply, just click on the "Apply Job" button. A job application form will be pop up. The job title would show based on which job that you click to apply. Please fill in all the details required and submit.

4) Drop Resume

  • In case no suitable job role was found, we also allow the applicant to drop his resume.
  • Click on the "Drop my resume" button, a "Resume" form will be pop up. Fill in the details required, attach the resume and submit.