1) Launch to EasyWork Hub --> Navigating to sidebar menu and search for "Settings" --> Click "Settings" and select sub-menu "Custom Form"

2) Click the "Create Form" button to proceed.

3) Fill in the form details as below:

  • Form Title: The form name
  • Form Description: You can put a description to help you and other colleagues to recognize easily what is this form used for.
  • Form Category: To categorize the form. Let's say you set as "Approval", you can find the request form in "Approval" category. There are 6 main categories: "Approval", "Job", "Leave", "Feedback", "Claim", and "Leave (Pro)".
  • Form Icon: Icon belongs to this custom form. The format supported included "jpg, jpeg, png".
  • Form Visibility: Used to turn on/off the form. By default, the visibility is turned ON. When it is set to "OFF", the company employees wouldn't see this form in the app.
  • Input Field: To customize the input data that you would like to capture. You can use the drag-and-drop builder to add item or sort the form input list.

4) After that, click "Submit" button to create the custom form. 

5) Your new custom form was created and appeared here.

6) On app side, the form would only show if admin has turned on the form visibility.