Calculation of prorated leave and non prorated leave

The type of leave (prorated or non-prorated) is used to determine the calculation of the leave.

Prorated leave

For the prorated leaves, the leave incremented at the end of each monthly will be calculated by adding the annual quota and all the boosts that the employee has and divide them by 12.

Monthly Leave Increment = (Annual Leave + Group Boost + Employee Boost + Length of service boost) / 12

Non-prorated leave

As for the non-prorated leave, a lump sum balance will be allocated immediately given to the employee to use. For example, if the quota is 12 days, the employee will have a balance of 12 days to be used immediately. The calculation also depends on the joining date of an employee. If an employee joins the company at June and the leave quota is 12 days, the employee would only get 6 days as the employee just joined at June and the 12 days is allocated for the whole 12 months.

Remark: the leave balance will be rounded up or down depending on the fraction of the leave day balance. If the fraction of a day is less than 0.5, the leave balance will be rounded down to 0. If the fraction of a day is half or more,  then the leave balance will be rounded down to 0.5. 


Example 1 : If the leave day calculated is 1.24 days, the actual entitled leave to the employee will be rounded down to 1.0 days.

Example 2 : If the leave day calculated is 1.89 days, the actual entitled leave to the employee will be rounded down to 1.5 days.